Thursday, June 17, 2010

Brand Value

Pyramid of Brand Value:

Branding gives many benefits to customers and manufacturers itself. Customers like brands because they give identification and guaranteed, speed the purchasing process and decrease purchasing leak or risk. Customers get additional functional and human value from branding accessories for which they are willing to pay a lower price.

Profit Company from the revenue generated by give values, improving awareness, and fastest adoption rates. Benefit of company from cost savings gained from loyal customers, lower advertising, and lower product launch costs. Speakers convey information easier with brand pictures. Sales people have no problem selling their branded products to end-customers or winning of market distribution conditions.
Cycling of Brand Value

Highest brand value of a product is created by following a 6-ways processing based on the brand cycle of value:

1. Competitive and qualitative market research to select necessary brand attributes.
2. Selection the name and product positioning strategies way to lead the birth of a brand value.
3. Reward advertising and trial stimulating promotion lead to brand awareness and associations corporate.
4. Product and satisfaction customer evaluation as well as repeat business promotion and reminder advertising increases quality and value perception.
5. Brand attributes internalized lead to perceptions of quality, value, image, trust, and ultimately brand loyalty.
6. Brand positives evaluations are wear in the launch trough brand extension.

Brand Value Action strategy:

Steiner Marketing's Brand Value Action Strategy addresses all ways in the brand value cycle. The Brand Value Action strategy first assesses the situation and determines critical factors, developing a strategy and increasing plan and finally helps implementing it.

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